Saturday, April 25, 2009

I know I suck!!!!

I never update... I'm sorry! I should write more. In fact I'm trying to do that... write more. We'll see how that goes. I am determined to work on some things on my own.

Tommy and I have been through some rough spots lately and are trying to get through it. It's been difficult to say the least. He travels too much and we have no time together and the kids miss him and I'm all alone. I'm tired of it. On top of other things that have been bothering me. So we have been trying to spend more time together when he is home.

I read the Twilight series.... OH MY GOD.... I am in love. I can't believe that I waited so long to read them. I love them so much. I get emotionally involved with my books and with my shows so it has been very hard on me with this one. I have laughed, I have cried, I have been a mess. I really get these characters and feel with them in a way I never have with any other books. No, not even the Harry Potter books. Weird I know. I am all about them. Anyone who wants to talk about them can e-mail me or look me up on facebook.

Well I don't have much else to say. I will talk later.

Hugs and Love,