Monday, December 22, 2008

Long time... I know....

Sorry for the long time in between posts. I didn't realize it had been so long actually. Well Christmas is coming in a few days and I am super excited! Santa has treated my kids well this year. They don't know it yet but I do. Santa and I talk ya know....=o)

And ya know the song "I saw mama kissing Santa Claus"? Well I just recently got that song. Yea I know rather blonde of me but it happens. But anyways, I started thinking, Ok, so Santa is typically daddy and daddy helps mommy do the shopping and the wrapping and the hiding of the presents and is all happy and jolly. Well not in our house. That's all me. I'm the fat and happy one. I'm the one who wraps and hides gifts. I'm the one who gets the gifts and brings them into the house on Christmas eve. I'm the one who shops for everything. I'm the one who puts everything under the tree. And if I ask my husband to do any of these things I get met with some grumpy annoying answer that leads me to realize I was better off doing it by myself. So although I love the holidays, that song is just wrong. Mama isn't kissing Santa Claus.... Daddy is kissing Santa Claus. And while we're on the topic of that song I should mention that the reason it got to me to begin with is b/c there is a version of the song where the kid says, I did, I really saw it. And I'm telling my dad. And I laughed b/c I got it. So that is my new thing for the season.

Lets see... We've been blessed with some nice things this season. We have a friend at church who bought each of our children something just b/c she loves them and cares about them. She just wanted to and felt the desire to spread her love to them. We had a very generous gift from my father in law for all three of our children while Connor and I were visiting him. And my aunt and uncle and my grandmother all were gracious in their giving to our children this year. I couldn't ask for better or more from my family this year. They have all been there and been supportive of us.

We have been making ornaments this year so there are quite a few homemade ornaments on our tree this year. The kids and I have made about 30-40 Christmas mice. We made them with their friends as well. Oh and I made a wreath for my car this year! WOO HOO! Now if I could only get Tommy to put it on my car. He is such a scrooge! Hopefully he will be happier on Christmas. We can hope for the best. He will have what looks to be a half day tomorrow and then will be off on Christmas eve, Christmas day and the day after Christmas. The bad thing is he doesn't get paid for it so we will be hurting come pay day. I really do like having him around but not having any money to go with it hurts. We can't pay our bills as it is. Ah well. I will enjoy the time with him here b/c it will end soon enough.

Now I'm going to go and turn up the heat and get my kids into bed so I can finish folding up some laundry and whatnot so I can relax a bit. I still have to make a bunch of things for Christmas day. It's not so bad when you get to have the holiday at your house. You know what food you are going to get and you know how much of it will be there too! Christmas is my favorite.

Love and Hugs,


Merry Christmas!!!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Christmas cards and whatnot....

So I was making a Christmas card for whatever I give out on Christmas day to family and I decided to let the kids make cards when they came home from school. I had Megan and Zach today too so I thought it would be a fun craft idea. It was very fun in the end however Connor seemed to think that everyone and their cat was out to hurt him and make him unhappy this afternoon. All he did was whine and cry and complain about how Meg took what he wanted and how he didn't like what he had done on his card. It was a disaster for him. I was calm.... for most of the afternoon. Until Megan finished her homework and even Rhiannon had started hers and he was STILL whining and crying 2 hours later. Then I started yelling at him. I couldn't take it anymore. I was done! So I told him that he was going to bed early, like when we got back from taking Rhiannon to girl scouts.... since I don't bring her home, he is taking a shower and going to bed. I can't take his whining and crying anymore. And meanwhile through all of it he still made me smile....

Tommy's favorite Christmas song ever came on.... Little drummer boy. And they explained who was singing it and the name of the song. And I said oh, this is Tommy's favorite song. I'm looking at Connor and he is looking at me and he says, Why are you looking at me? I'm not a drama boy! And I just giggled and said the name of the song is little DRUMMER boy and yes you are a drama boy, more than any I know. It was cute and in his hysterics today it made for a nice break in the monotony of Connor's typical day lately.

The rest of the kids had a lot of fun with the cards and stuff. They made nice little creations. Alanna scissored hers to bits and we still put it in an envelop to give to Santa on Christmas eve night. Rhiannon made a card inside a little card with great little pictures in it. And Connor actually ended up making two cards. One for Mr. and Mrs. Claus and one for the reindeer I believe. But tell him that reindeer is spelt rEindeer instead of rAindeer and we have another meltdown on our hands. =o)

Ah, such is life with young children. You've got to love them or you might have to just drown them! Especially when you are highly stressed with no husband around to hug you and love you and tell you how wonderful you are. And how great the house looks and how much he knows you are trying your best even when you feel like you can't give anymore! Or just to help you pick up around the house when you really just want to sit down and have a fucking break. No censoring here today. I want a break. And I can't wait until the kids school break starts b/c that means I get a break. I don't have to get up early, I don't have to run to drop off or pick up anyone. I can sit around in my PJ's for half the day or the whole day if I want. It's just the kind of thing I've been waiting for. A time to enjoy my kids with no other kids that aren't mine around without my ok on that particular day, like today. I said yes to Meg and Zach so they were here. However, just my kids sounds awesome! Making Christmas cookies and working on getting Christmas dinner together sounds good too. I'm awaiting Santa Claus.... I hope you are too. Even Santa knows I need a break now. Well I must go and make dinner and usher the kids out the door b/c there is girl scouts tonight. Wahoo! I don't do pick-up, just drop-off. I love having friends. It's nice to share the responsibility of any parental duty. And this one is welcomed!

Love and Hugs,


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Cruxshadows show and other stuff...

So the show was awesome! It was a long night for someone who doesn't go out like they used to all those years ago. I felt so old and tired. I loved dancing and singing.... or more like yelling.... and I loved that Tommy and I had a night out. I slept most of the next day on and off. It was weird. I remember going out and being able to do whatever I wanted the next day. And this time, I was tired, really tired. We got to go out to eat and had a nice meal. We get to Alley Katz where the show was and the place was supposed to open at 8 but the bands are still doing sound checks. They let us into the stairwell and make us wait there until 9:15. We waited for what felt like forever but finally got let in. Tommy and I both wanted to have a drink but that didn't happen b/c the place we went to only served beer. That really sucked.... neither one of us drinks beer. So no drinks for us! We had water instead. We adapt easily.

I: Scintilla and Aryia were the opening bands. They were good. Kind of stompy but good nonetheless. I did very little dancing until the Cruxshadows came out. Tommy didn't realize that CXS wouldn't go on until about midnight and by that time he was done and ready to go home. I tried to warn him it would be a LATE night but I guess warnings fell on deaf ears b/c he started to get cranky. People were packed into the front of the stage like sardines and there was a big open space in the back. Although we could have spread out, we didn't. When you want to see a band that badly, you stay up front. I was essentially in the second row, stage right. It was hugely awesome to touch Rogue's hand while he sang. This time I did not dance with him when he came out into the crowd. I did however wait until they did their encore and finsihed with Marylin, my Bitterness..... when he pulls up a few people on stage to sing and dance with him. I asked Tommy if he wanted to go and he said no.... I threw my jacket at him and went on over there. Rogue pulled me up on stage, I smacked my head on a HUGE speaker and I danced my heart out and sang Marylin! The kids thought it was awesome when they asked if I got to dance with Rogue and I said, Yes!

Unfortunately my camera died so I only have about 4 pictures from the show. It was a very bad move on my part to not charge the battery. For that, I'm a dummy. BUT, there is good things for those who don't think ahead! I asked Rogue if he could do me a huge favor. He asked what it was. I told him how much my kids love them and how my camera died. I asked if he would sign a piece of paper for them that I had. He said how about this, let me give you a poster, on me and I'll write something to them and you can get the whole band to sign it? I was shocked and grateful! He said it would take him a few to get back to the table but that he would get there eventually. And while the bouncer threw out almost everyone, he let Tommy and I stay so we could do what Rogue promised. We got everyone's signature but the two dancers. Although sad they were busy elsewhere. The kids are thrilled with the poster which is signed to Connor, Rhiannon and Alanna. We are going to frame it and put it up in our living room.

The night was long and tiring. I bought three CDs, 3 bracelets which were supposed to be for the kids, and two buttons. They price things cheap so you can get a lot for a little. It was a great night that Tommy and I both agreed we should try and do with the kids at Dragoncon.... a comic convention in Atlanta, Ga. that comes around the last weekend in Aug./first weekend in Sept. right before school starts. It's the only all ages show that we know of that we can get to. The kids have been dying to go to a Cruxshadows show and although Rogue warned me that they go on late, like midnight..... Our kids would be so excited I don't think they would care! To be able to say they got to see mommy's favorite band, a band they themselves really like, live!!! They would be thrilled! So our hope is to swing that this summer if we can stay on track. It will be our family trip... to the new aquarium, the con and the CXS show and home again in time for school to start. Wahoo!

So the weekend started off exciting!!! And then it was Connor's birthday!!! He turned 8! And yes although this saddens me greatly that my little boy is 8, he had a wonderful day. He has chosed to go to California Pizza Kitchen for his birthday dinner/lunch the last 3 years and my parents always oblige. So this year it was us, my parents and Will. It was a nice change of pace. Last year he had about 25 people at dinner. It was what he wanted and we of course said yes. This year we kept it small. Connor got a load of drawing and at supplies. He also got a couple of video games. He got a couple of Beastquest books to round out the series he is reading. I think he has all of them now. He is a very happy boy. This friday he will be having a sleepover party with a few friends to celebrate his birthday as well. He can't wait! So far there is 6 boys including him. There could be 10 so pray for me! My little boy is growing up.... I can't swaddle him anymore.... I miss that. What a big boy he is becoming. If he doesn't stop growing soon I'm going to have to stunt his growth! =o) The deal was he was supposed to stay little.... he isn't holding up his end of the bargain here!

Ah well the holidays are upon us and I can't help but think of what our holiday plans are. We have a Christmas dinner every year where we invite our family and another family to come and join us on Christmas day. We go to church on Christmas eve and have a lovely time. I can't wait! It's been a rough year so I'm looking for some good holiday cheer right about now. We'll plan on having people over in the late afternoon and having a nice evening with whomever decides to hang out with us. It's always nice to relax on Christmas night after Santa has turned my house upside down and made my kids jump for joy all day long! I love the magic of Christmas and I can't wait for this one! It's starting.... I see the sprinkling.... now I just hope it snows too! Wouldn't that just make it the most perfect Christmas ever?!

We have a tree with multi-colored lights... not MY first choice but Tommy and the kids love it so it stays, this year. Plus I didn't want to still be cleaning up pine needles on Mother's Day! They are in my car and in my house and everywhere when we get a real tree but oh the wonderful smell of them! I love that smell. Anyways, if you want to join our Christmas cheer please let me know! We are looking forward to a very happy holiday!

Soon after Christmas we are going straight into our family baptism. Connor, Rhiannon, Alanna and I are all getting baptized. Tommy isn't ready for that leap yet and that's ok I suppose however the rest of us are going to be baptized in early January. The kids and I need to pick up Marianne from NY and then we need to come back. We need to get things in order so that all of the people who will be god parents can be here and be accounted for. Unfortunately some of them are already not able to make it. However we are working on alternates to help out there. And we are working hard to make sure that the kids and I are baptized during this time. We are excited about it and it's time for it to happen! Eternal grace is awaiting.... and I'm not waiting to accept it any longer and neither are our children!

Well I think I've done enough rambling for now. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Ours was nice. We had two Thanksgiving dinners, neither of which we had to bring anything to. And we enjoyed them both! We make up for this when we cook for Christmas.... =o)

Love and Hugs,
