Friday, November 7, 2008

Hard days to come....

So how do I start this? My father in law has cancer. Stage four unbeatable cancer.... It is overtaking his body very quickly for the amount of time we have known about it. When Will told me that his dad was in the hospital I was surprised but never thought it was this bad. Then we found out about the lung and spinal cancer. And to make a very long story short, then he lost motor function in his lower extremities. Paralysis was setting in. He had emergency surgery to restore function on Monday morning. It was a slight success! However, a disoriented man who dislikes being in the hospital and dislikes being sick does not want to stay there. And right now he has to. Connor, Tommy and I will be going to visit him tonight.

As I sit here and write this my kids are in the living room watching cartoons, being kids. Doing what any kids should be doing. The only real difference is that my 7 year old is learning about cancer. The ill effects of what smoking can do to your body and other bad things that we sometimes do to ourselves. I bought him two great workbooks to use that are very helpful with learning and dealing with cancer for kids of family members with cancer. Connor has been enjoying doing them and working on his feelings. He has some great ideas! And keeping his spirits up is what matters right now. If I have to watch my son deal with this I will do what I can to ease his pain and suffering.

For those of you who don't know this person I speak of... he is wonderful, kind and loving. He has truly been a kind soul throughout his life. He has helped countless people through their very own loss and now we must help one another through what is to come. I know I cannot rely on anyone else to make me feel better but I can try and and talk through my hurt so that I can be there for my son. It is just a hard road to navigate especially while teaching a child about disease and dying. I truly hope that everyone who this post touches is in good health today! And please cherish the time you have with the people you love. It sometimes ends far quicker than you ever expected, without much warning and leaving a wake of destruction in it's path.

Even if he cannot be there, we are planning a very happy event in January. Our family baptism! We are working on getting a few people here so that the kids can have godparents but we have run into some hiccups. It seems that bad things are happening everywhere. Either way myself and the kids (and maybe even Tommy) will be getting baptized in January. It will be an event I have looked forward to for quite some time! All three of my children will finally be officially walking with God and in the grace of Jesus. I really am happy about this. There has been a lot of turmoil surrounding our lives over the last year and there is obviously more to come in the next few months, however there is this glimmer of light that I can hang onto.

I hope each of you have a glimmer of light. I know right now I need that glimmer. Smile and hope for the best!

Love and Hugs,


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