Thursday, November 20, 2008

Depression sucks....

Depression has set in around here. And it sucks. I've been unmotivated to do anything. Connor has had a headache and come to think of it, so have I. Rhiannon has been doing things that just aren't very nice to her sister. And Alanna has been peeing in her bed every night. Tommy had the glimmer of hope that he could come home this evening and that was quickly squelched when he got into work today. So the slight happiness I was feeling about him coming home early is gone as well. My Dr. and I changed my medication. It was obviously a bad idea b/c I feel like crap. I feel like I'm crashing and burning. And now that we are fixing it, it isn't fixing fast enough. I may as well be in bed with my PJ's on b/c I'm not being productive. The house is a wreck. And I don't care. I mean the laundry is up to date and there isn't stuff all over the place. But I'd like to clean my floors. And clean up the playroom. But I have no motivation to do so. I miss Tommy and so do the kids. We want him to be home and he never is. A weekend flies by so fast. So yea, I'm depressed. Plus we have no money for anything. We've been broke for a while but I can't afford to finish Christmas shopping for Connor and Alanna. It's sad when your kids Christmas suffers simply b/c you have trouble making ends meet. We finished for Rhiannon months ago but it was hard to buy for Connor and Alanna this year. Rhiannon still wants a Mr. Magoriam's Wonder Emporium sock monkey. That is the one thing we didn't get her that she wanted. We got her everything else she could want. Now we still have to worry about getting Connor the nice wood chess set with the drawer in the base. And maybe getting Alanna some disney fairy stuff. Connor also really wants a digital camera. And I've been looking at the less expensive ones but haven't been able to pick one up. Alanna has a click-start and I wanted to get her another game for it b/c she loves it. And she has a Leapster 2 that I thought she would enjoy another game for. If only Tommy's company would stop making them sit in a hotel room with nothing to do and let them make 40 hours.... or more.... it would be helpful to our budget. Ah well... that's my life today. And I actually feel a little bit better now.

Love and Hugs,

1 comment:

Jessica Griffin said...

Maybe you should consider teaching your kids the meaning of Christmas- and not the things associated. While I understand it's great to give and they have things they want, but why go broke providing Christmas? Think of all the things you could have in place of Christmas- a nice family vacation, get away for a long weekend. You could get them things they need and maybe one or two of the things they want... there are children who are less fortunate. (I'm not saying your kids are ungrateful, just saying it's not bad thing if you don't give them the world at Christmas.) You could save that for their birthday, when it's only one child you're buying for.